Timothy Walter Burton, also known as, Tim Burton, is a producer and a director of some of his most famous films such as : Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride, Batman Returns, Ed wood, Lost in Oz, and Frakenweenie was interviewed on The Treatment on February 20, 2013. Tim Burton resides in Burbank, California where he learned to draw and attended California Institute of the Arts. He is famous for his unique story lines and picture animations where he loves to use stop motion animation.
In the interview, Tim Burton states that he constantly questions the idea of things being considered as normal to abnormal. His films are based off of the idea of the importance of your family. Many of the characters in his films show little dialogue because by using little vocals, shows that your actions are more important. Also he loves how the audience can connect within his films, for example in Frankenweenie, the film was in black and white, but when he asked those who watched the film, they did not recall that the film was not in color. The audience thought that the film was in color and this idea is unison between the director, producer, and the audience which makes him feel relieved and happy. Tim Burton cherish the value of parents in his films and can be seen in many of his films in which because this proves that your parents, even if you do not like them, plays an important role in creating your character and who you are. There are three quotes from Tim Burton that I can relate to.
The first quote of Tim Burton is that he states," No matter how you grow up, and what your relationship is, you spend your whole life trying to deal with your parents, whether they are alive, dead, whatever. It builds who you are and it is a powerful relationship." This quote shows that Tim Burton is a man who values his relationship with his parents. Although he did state that he was not close to his parents, the idea that your parents shape and mold your character is a powerful relationship. This is portrayed in his films. This quote is noteworthy because it shows that although we may not think our parents has an influence on us, our parents mold who we are, either it is positively or negatively, your parents plays a big role in influencing your ideas and virtues.
The third quote of Tim Burton is when he stated, "Behind the smile, was not really a smile.. sometimes." I find this quote the most noteworthy because it is true. Many people choose to smile and act happy for their peers and their family and friends. People chose to act a way to either shield up their emotions or cover up how they actually feel. One moment a person might have a smile on her face, but deep inside, she is hurting. This quote can be used on people personalities also. People who are projecting a mean and strong personality often cry when others are not looking because they do not want to seem weak. Those who seem nice on the outside, may actually be the most bitter person on the inside. Everybody is different. This quote is like the saying in which people say " Don't judge a book by it's cover." This idea is that although on the outside the person is either bright, dark, negative, or even positive, they could be a different person on the inside. And this idea is really important because people tend to judge and discriminate people based on their appearance.
In conclusion, Tim Burton's ideologies are wise. His ideals of the importance of family, personalities, and fitting in can be relate able. Burton's quotes are important because they are exemplified throughout his films. His ideas are projected throughout his many films. The importance of this is that the idea of your family being important and molding you shows children, teens, and adults that you are the person you are today thanks to your parents. The second idea that is important that is projected within Tim Burton's films is that the idea of fitting in and being normal. Children can relate to this because when we are young, we were either the bully or the one getting bullied. We all thought that there was something wrong or "abnormal" with us before. Burton's films shows that although the individual is different, he/she should embrace the difference because that is who he/she truly is. The third idea within the films of Tim Burtons is that the idea that you should not judge a book by it's cover. This idea is important because everybody has different appearances and personalities that is seen by every other person out there. You should not hate a person before you truly know them, and this idea is valuable for film.
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